

In this performative action, a male figure dressed in a white spandex suit stands on a small tarp. Beside him are cans of spray paint. The public are invited and encouraged to use the spray cans provided to paint the figure. The work references statuesque white privilege and its colorful obliteration by the diverse people of New York. Nobody knows the color, religion, sexuality, or age of the human inside the costume, and the anonymity of the figure allows the public to project/paint whatever they want. People come together to change a blank canvas into a work of art.


Friday May 14, Saturday May 15,


Plaza on West 14th Street and Ninth Avenue (SW Corner)

Blanksy is an anonymous British street artist. The blank canvas he represents has been the starting point for every great and not so great work of art over the last 500 years. This is his first time in NYC.