
Akiko Ichikawa

Site-specific performances dealing in Japanese animism to address Asian/immigrant alienation. New Yorkers walking any variety of the breed are identified and their pets engaged in Japanese with a fellow native. Pages from Ivanka Trump’s books The Trump Card: Playing To Win In Work and Life (Simon & Schuster, 2009) and Women Who Work: Rewriting the Rules for Success (Penguin, 2017) will also be torn out from and handed to dog owners and walkers to use to collect their pets’ excrement, in a green ritual cleansing of the U.S. streets from an ex-president’s legacy, and the possibility of his issue ever garnering the job.


Saturday, May 15, 10am-1pm, 2pm-4pm
Sunday, May 16, 9am-1:30pm


Saturday: University Place at large
Sunday: E 14th Street and Avenue A, in the area in front of Target (southside) and in front of Stuyvesant Town (northside)

Akiko Ichikawa’s work foregrounds moments of understanding within the U.S. city’s fluid heterogeneity anchored in her experiences living between customs/languages/cultures. She has performed at Socrates Sculpture Park, PERFORMA, Jamaica Flux, Spring/Break Art Show, Asian Arts Initiative (Philadelphia), and in Newark, South Korea, and Martinique.