
Ivan Sikic

This installation is a series of site-specific interventions where Iván Sikic intervenes with garbage bags left along 14th Street. After collecting the garbage bags, the artist proceeds to spray paint them gold before returning the bags back where he found them. In an attempt to highlight the invisibility of human-produced garbage and illustrate society’s disregard for the natural environment, the golden trash bags at once become akin to sacred relics, starkly highlighted and contrasting dramatically with the natural landscapes they are superimposed in, thus creating a moment of uncanny tension.


Friday May 14, Saturday May 15, Sunday May 16


14th Street At Large

Iván Sikic makes work about oppression, greed, and time. He has exhibited at The 8th Floor (NY), Smack Mellon (Brooklyn), the Museum of Contemporary Art, (Lima), Km 0.2 (San Juan and Mexico City), Luis Adelantado (Bogotá, Madrid, and Valencia), UV Estudios (Buenos Aires) and Vigil Gonzales (Lima), amongst others.