
Sam Heydt

This video presents a world on the periphery of history, one that not only appears haunted by the ghosts of the past, but built on it. Disrupting logical relationships between occurrences, Heydt's layered imagery conflates time and place. The uncertainties hinged on a world exploited beyond use and reduced to a bottom line are drowned out by the white noise of the media and the empty promises it proposes for the future it truncates. Colliding images of destruction with portrayals of the American Dream, Heydt confronts the disillusionment of our time with the ecological and existential nightmare it is responsible for.


Friday May 14, Saturday May 15, Sunday May 16
Duration of Festival



Sam Heydt has lived/worked in Paris, Venice, Amsterdam, Athens, Buenos Aires, Sydney, Reykjavík, Udaipur, and Vienna. Esteemed as one of the pioneers of the recycled media movement, Heydt works across mediums and employs a range of materials, often reinventing and trespassing their associative use. Her work's been internationally exhibited.