
Sally Apfelbaum

In this installation attached to an East Village iron fence, paintings reference the graffiti and barricades that have proliferated the local community since the pandemic while appreciating local visual symbols, and sentiments. Some imagery is created using domestic objects to create patterns. Lookout for the artist on 14th Street handing out paper bead necklaces while wearing a jacket that mirrors the installed paintings.


Friday May 14, Saturday May 15, Sunday May 16


Compos Plaza- Between 602 East 14th Street and 612 East 14th Street

Sally Apfelbaum is a New York based mixed media artist with a strong commitment to public art. She’s completed commissions with the GSA, Metro, St. Louis, the MTA, NYC, Le Petit Versailles, NYC, and shown her work in galleries and museums internationally. Her current work focuses on exploring the appearance, experience, and history of urban landscapes, through the lens of ‘home’.